Sonic Art Oxford
24/02/10 22:05

Neil has been selected for the Sonic Art Oxford Jukebox.
Sonic Art Oxford runs from the 25th - 27th February.
More info at:
You can see a version of the jukebox online at:
The following pieces are included:
Antti Saario Thousand Unfold
Baradar aria soundwalk
Bret Battey Two Birds Three Figs Bowl Cherries
Caroline Devine Docile Choir.
Dale Perkins Excursions2.
Daniel Petric Counterpoint Collider.
Decoder hunt for the killer.
Eric Lyon SuperSaturated.
Felicity Ford taste sensation.
Frank Niehusmann 2006 05 26.
Gareth Jones Arboreality Triptych
Gintas Kraptavicius Grinny Memories.
Herve Perez daqi.
Hodmeister The Piece Unnamed At The Moment.
Izzi Simone Guido Constant.
john mist.
Kevin Jenkins Tribecycle.
Krisztian Hofstadter abstract.
Luke Rickett Chime cuts.
Mike Blow Dammtor(waiting).
Mondual The longest night.
Neil Webb FarBeneathInTheAbysmalSea.
Nichola Scrutton AriaForVoiceAndPlastic. .
Ophir Ilzetzki tongue. .
P Kokoras Slida.
Paul Burnell Cherubs.
Pete Cudmore TheOpenDoorchestra.
Robert Ratcliffe Phoenix6
Ron Wright Bolthole.
Steven Brown BrightonBeachSounds.
Valerio Orlandini Elettrosanto.
William Turner London in a Minute.
Dan Wilson Reflections on the Interfluxion Mechanism