Kitchen Sink Exhibition
03/09/09 19:59
has a new sound installation, 'The Innocents' showing
at the Kitchen Sink exhibition in Rye.
The starting reference for this work was Jack Clayton's 1961 film 'The Innocents'. The film was adapted for screen by Clayton and Truman Copote from Henry James' novel, The Turn Of The Screw.
The story is set in a crumbling paradise, a sour Eden in which the title suggests everyone is an 'innocent'.
The films plays out an ambiguous story of apparitions and repression. It was deliberately ambiguous and the viewer is left to consider whether the story is imagined, is it a reprise or flashback?
This piece consists of seven audio tracks that contain interior and exterior atmospheres. These environments remain unoccupied by people but have the suggestion of human presence through sounds such as a music box, banging doors and creaking stairs. They play on Gothic conventions such as howling wind and the creaking elements of a haunted house.
In common with the ambiguous narrative of the film the audio plays in random sequence with no linear structure leaving the listener to occupy these atmospheres and environments and decipher them for themselves.

Kitchen Sink
21st Century Contemporary Art
12, 13, 19, 20 September 2009
Using film,sound, painting, intervention and the written word Kitchen Sink is an ambitious exhibition, which brings together 20 artists, writers and crafts practitioners through the act of responding to the disused space of the old Freda Gardham School kitchens.
Situated on the edge of the brooding Romney Marshes, the recently decommissioned Freda Gardham School is now home to The School Creative Centre. In the grounds, the shell of the old school canteen kitchen remained. Danny Pockets and Nikki Tompsett decided to grab this unique opportunity to curate a show that positively throbs and hums with the weight of catharsis, transition, renewal and decay.
Kitchen Sink is sensational, exploring the boundaries and possibilities of creating art within this highly charged environment. A tightly co-ordinated clash of painting, drawing, photography, sound art, interactive loom, film, text and sculpture drawing artists from Sheffield, London, Hastings, Bexhill and Rye. Challenging preconceptions of art and the local gallery system whilst providing a delightful opportunity to experience this unusual space.
Artists: Nick Archer, Judith Rowe, Jim Rosevere,Neil Webb, Tracey Moberly, Cedric Christie, Nikki Tompsett, A Lincoln Taber, Tim Riley, Georgia Elizey, Jaime Rory Lucy, Simon Young, Steve Smith, Christine Harmar-Brown, Jason Synott, Danny Pockets, Ben Fenton, Oliver Crowther, Suzuki Howitzer, Nigel Green.
Private View: 6.30pm – 9pm 9 September 2009
Open: 12, 13, 19, 20 September 2009 11am to 4pm
Free Admission
Kitchen Sink
The Old Kitchens
The School Creative Centre
New Road, Rye
TN31 7LS
01797 229 797
The School Creative Centre, Rye
The de-commissioned Freda Gardham school in Rye is now home to a dynamic Creative Centre in Rother, bringing together professional artists from across the spectrum to develop, design and make new work on a rotational, residential basis with a core of permanently housed companies and individuals. Visiting and resident artists offer a range of workshops, master-classes, talks and demonstrations.
Freda Gardham School was de-commissioned in 2008 when a new school was build next to Rye College. Working closely with local Councillors in Rye, Rother and East Sussex and with Rye College, B&R Productions developed plans to continue the life of the building by generating a centre of creative excellence, providing a unique resource for the people of Rye.
The starting reference for this work was Jack Clayton's 1961 film 'The Innocents'. The film was adapted for screen by Clayton and Truman Copote from Henry James' novel, The Turn Of The Screw.
The story is set in a crumbling paradise, a sour Eden in which the title suggests everyone is an 'innocent'.
The films plays out an ambiguous story of apparitions and repression. It was deliberately ambiguous and the viewer is left to consider whether the story is imagined, is it a reprise or flashback?
This piece consists of seven audio tracks that contain interior and exterior atmospheres. These environments remain unoccupied by people but have the suggestion of human presence through sounds such as a music box, banging doors and creaking stairs. They play on Gothic conventions such as howling wind and the creaking elements of a haunted house.
In common with the ambiguous narrative of the film the audio plays in random sequence with no linear structure leaving the listener to occupy these atmospheres and environments and decipher them for themselves.

Kitchen Sink
21st Century Contemporary Art
12, 13, 19, 20 September 2009
Using film,sound, painting, intervention and the written word Kitchen Sink is an ambitious exhibition, which brings together 20 artists, writers and crafts practitioners through the act of responding to the disused space of the old Freda Gardham School kitchens.
Situated on the edge of the brooding Romney Marshes, the recently decommissioned Freda Gardham School is now home to The School Creative Centre. In the grounds, the shell of the old school canteen kitchen remained. Danny Pockets and Nikki Tompsett decided to grab this unique opportunity to curate a show that positively throbs and hums with the weight of catharsis, transition, renewal and decay.
Kitchen Sink is sensational, exploring the boundaries and possibilities of creating art within this highly charged environment. A tightly co-ordinated clash of painting, drawing, photography, sound art, interactive loom, film, text and sculpture drawing artists from Sheffield, London, Hastings, Bexhill and Rye. Challenging preconceptions of art and the local gallery system whilst providing a delightful opportunity to experience this unusual space.
Artists: Nick Archer, Judith Rowe, Jim Rosevere,Neil Webb, Tracey Moberly, Cedric Christie, Nikki Tompsett, A Lincoln Taber, Tim Riley, Georgia Elizey, Jaime Rory Lucy, Simon Young, Steve Smith, Christine Harmar-Brown, Jason Synott, Danny Pockets, Ben Fenton, Oliver Crowther, Suzuki Howitzer, Nigel Green.
Private View: 6.30pm – 9pm 9 September 2009
Open: 12, 13, 19, 20 September 2009 11am to 4pm
Free Admission
Kitchen Sink
The Old Kitchens
The School Creative Centre
New Road, Rye
TN31 7LS
01797 229 797
The School Creative Centre, Rye
The de-commissioned Freda Gardham school in Rye is now home to a dynamic Creative Centre in Rother, bringing together professional artists from across the spectrum to develop, design and make new work on a rotational, residential basis with a core of permanently housed companies and individuals. Visiting and resident artists offer a range of workshops, master-classes, talks and demonstrations.
Freda Gardham School was de-commissioned in 2008 when a new school was build next to Rye College. Working closely with local Councillors in Rye, Rother and East Sussex and with Rye College, B&R Productions developed plans to continue the life of the building by generating a centre of creative excellence, providing a unique resource for the people of Rye.